This devotional is meant to deepen your marriage and keep you talking and reflecting on all that is STILL.
This devotional is meant to deepen your marriage and keep you talking and reflecting on all that is STILL.
The relational distance between parent and child in the teen years can take a nose –dive in a such a short amount of time. Things working against the relationship can be developmental limitations in the teens’ brains, the battle of wills, hectic schedules and lack…
Here are some tips on ways to cultivate openness with your child… No matter how much you think you know your child, be willing to let your child teach you about themselves. Listen with the goal of understanding—not just to assess right or wrong, guilt…
Conflict. Family life is filled with it. Each family member’s reactions to conflict are varied. Some charge at it with all the fierceness of a lion while others avoid it at all cost, and others still use indirect clues and hints to “gently” guide the…