February 2020 Austin Fit Magazine Article

“You Can’t Rush Love”

Carrie Austin (LMFT) Featured Interview

Stages in Relationships

“You can’t hurry love– No, you’ll just have to wait.  …love don’t come easy, but it’s a game of give and take.”  Yes, go ahead and sing along in your head with me.  Relationships have changed alot since these lyrics were made famous by the harmonies of the Supremes back in the 1960’s.  Yet they still hold some truth today.  I sat down with Emily Effren, a writer for Austin Fit Magazine, to explore relational stages and their impact on health. “In healthy relationships, Austin says part of sharing life with someone is learning an appropriate amount of interdependence in which each other’s needs are met while each person still has their own sense of self.”

Read the Article

Read the article HERE or click on the magazine image.  Feel free to pass this along to those you may know that would find it helpful during this Valentine month.